Tying Shoes

Yesterday I picked Corbin up at school (normal Friday evening activity). As I walked in the door to his classroom Corbin's teacher said he had BIG news. Indeed! Corbin announced that he could tie his own shoes. After exchanging a hug and a high five I watched as my 5 year old wonder sat in the floor and meticulously tied his shoes. As he tied, he explained each move:
  • First you cross the strings
  • Then tuck one under the other
  • Then tie one bunny ear
  • Then tie a second bunny ear and cross it behind the first bunny ear
  • Then make one bunny ear go through the hole
  • And last...pull it tight.
I was amazed. I was proud. I was smiling from ear to ear.

But why? Why did something that I do multiple times/day EVERY single day stop me in my tracks?

Pride in Corbin was part of it, but there was more.

It helped me to see through a fresh set of eyes just how big a deal learning something new is. I witnessed friends, teachers, grandparents, and Mommy & Daddy celebrate at the announcement of this new learning. I relished the time that father and son sat together discussing how we each tie our shoes, collaborating together now as equals in this shoe tying fraternity. I soaked in another in a growing line of amazed moments as I witness my children grow and mature more moment by moment.

So we embark on a new stage of life. More independence. More self care. Yes, it now takes about 10 times longer to tie shoes before we leave but I'm discovering that patience for this practice comes easy. It's like watching the learning happen each time and I am soaking in each moment.

Thank you Corbin for showing me how wildly fun learning ANYTHING can be.

Sometimes a picture is a thousand words...

I found this little tool online the other day. Taking a moment to go brainless I thought I'd let Wordle turn this blog into some word art. Here are the results. Although it's words, it paints a picture. Being a communication junkie I love the art of words and I thought I share the beauty...

Wordle: RichardsonHome