What is Church?

Today in children's church the kids were asked to draw what they would do with our new would they use the space to serve God, the community and others.

Corbin's church had the traditional markings. A steeple, doors, windows, etc. But that's where the similarities ended. On the far right side of Corbin's church was an overhang with a red cross. When asked about this portico Corbin responded, "That's the entrance to the emergency room where people can come who are sick or hurt."

Underneath this structure were a series of what were obviously wheels. When we asked Corbin about the circles under his church he replied, "those are wheels that can take the church to where the people who need us are."

Yes son, the church is a place where sick and hurt people can come. Come to find strength, to find joy in the eternal and to find a family of people who desire to, as Job's friends so powerfully demonstrated, simply sit and let the stillness minister to the wounds of the heart. And yes son, the church is mobile with those same people carrying their spirit and joy into their lives ministering to all around them merely by their presence.

Here's to the church as emergency room. To the church on wheels. To the church who continually redefines what church is to meet the needs of a changing world.

I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together.