Things I've Learned from a Kindergartener

Here's a random list of things I've learned thus far from our kindergarten experience:

  1. Backpacks are really cool...even if holding only 1 small folder
  2. Daily stamps are a good reward for a good morning's work (especially a Mickey stamp)
  3. Drop-off and pickup procedures may require a masters degree (for God sakes, don't go IN the OUT area!
  4. Ms. Gregg knows a lot...sometimes even more than mommy and daddy
  5. Education is an experience that can and should be shared...and education comes from every facet of our day. Reading center, learning about other countries, or learning the subtle differences about the buses that take the kids from Primrose to kindergarten.
  6. Education involves the entire person (Mind, Body, Heart and Spirit) and creating educational experiences that engage not only the facts but the feelings of self and others creating collaborative learning that is fun for all.

I'm sure this list will grow and change. I'm sure Corbin will do the same. And, for that matter, I know I will keep changing as well.

I am thankful that we're sharing this kindergarten experience with our son. All are lessons that I need and appreciate.