Catching Up

Priorities & Time.

The two, at least from my perspective are like the pivotal fight scene in Raging Bull.

"In this corner, weighing in at the entire weight of the world in the stressful red trunks...Priorities. And in the blue corner checking in every 5 minutes..." (announcement cut short since we just flat ran out of time to complete the similie.

It seems time is always outnumbered. At the outset of the day, time will lose. In the end, I will run out of time. It's been a frustrating and grueling balancing act. And for me, especially during the holiday season, I find particular torment in those "must do" things and never having enough time for the "want to" things. Why must I (we/family) do ALL of THESE things. Why can't we do THOSE things? I calm myself with the thought, "we'll do THOSE things IF we have time." If we don't get to it then it wasn't important, right?

As a member of my family says, "Yeah, RIGHT!"

The holidays passed, were very special (they always are) and my joyful children & wife reminded me again that few things really are important. A lesson I re-learn each year. It's a lesson that won't stick. Again, soon I will find myself in the ring wrestling with time & priorities.

And then, there was Mommy Hawthorne. 

A woman who has been, for 15 years a model of friend, mother, spouse. A woman who, when faced with the real struggles life pitched her way swung at those curveballs with joy, laughter, faith and grace. While I continued to complicate, Mommy Hawthorne modeled simplification. While I met challenges with frustration and sighs Mommy Hawthorne met challenges with cheer and prayer. While I tried to find time to slow down, she took the time to enjoy a sunset on her farm front porch.

As Mommy Hawthorne continued her journey she continued to minister to me though words were not spoken. Plans for weeks turned to planning for a day turned to plan for only the moment. Sitting with Mommy Hawthorne two weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon centered me in a way few other days have. Aware of the friends and family who had gathered because Mommy Hawthorne had touched each of us...the common thread that had weaved the collective tapestry that was present that afternoon. We didn't know what would happen next for Mommy Hawthorne and we didn't know when it would happen.

We knew we were there, and we enjoyed the moment...together.

Over the last few weeks, the Raging Bull clash of the titans has given way to a more collaborative synergy. Time and Priorities sitting together discussing what matters and making the time for them. Each moment of "Wrestle Time" with my two munchkins is more precious. Each laugh resonates clearly and is absorbed for all the therapy it provides. Each hug is savored.

Thank you Mommy Hawthorne for your example, your love and your passion for the moment.
