
Anyone who knows our family well knows that February is a barrage of birthdays. If there were such a thing as a automatic birthday candle launcher we might gain a day's worth of productivity in the month.

With the many birthdays it's easy for them to run together...thinking about the next one while wishing the current birthday a "Happy Birthday".

Our 2 year old daughter has helped me learn a way to enjoy each birthday a little longer. Somewhere, sometime, someone wrote came up with the rule that we could only wish someone "Happy Birthday" on their birthday. What fun is that? So, Emily Kate decided that she'd keeping wishing Happy Birthdays all week this week.

That's been a LOT more fun. 

Why limit the celebration to a single day? Why not remember and celebrate one's birth whenever the mood strikes? 

I like this idea!

Thank you Emily for helping me to see that breaking the rules can make life more enjoyable and meaningful.