Ice Skating

We took Corbin Ice Skating this evening. Great thing to do on a hot August night. My kind of place...55 degrees inside. If only home could be like that.

It was Corbin's first time on the ice. He loved it. Slipping, sliding, falling, the cold ice. The only thing we missed was watching the Zamboni. (Yes I still like to watch it and think that'd be a cool job when I retire one day).

During our time together on the ice Corbin asked, "Daddy what happens if I fall?" Answer: "You get back up?" Question: "But Daddy what if I can't?" Answer: "Then I will help you." Question: "But what if I still can't?" Answer: "Then I'll lift you up."


"OK Daddy then I won't worry about falling...I'll just have fun."

Amen Corbin.

“The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand, is when I
carried you.”
-Mary Stevenson

Sound Logic

My 4 year old son amazes me everyday. Sometimes it's a new thing he can do. Sometimes it's his ability to adapt to change much faster than his old man. Sometimes it's watching his logic play out.

Below are just some fun thoughts and logic imparted to me in the last week.
  • You can't watch what you're doing on while on the potty, "because my bottom is in the way"
  • Wrestling on the floor with daddy can be paused to grab a drink of water...just like a video
  • Nothing is as comforting to a baby in a crib as a good pink stuffed lamb
  • ANYTHING broken can be fixed--even bubbles

Keep teaching me son. I value our lessons and time together.


I spent the morning with Corbin today at a Catfish pond in Mesquite. We arrived, chose our fishing spot and got everything setup. Ahh a relaxing morning in the sun...just the guys. Amidst the barrage of "Hey Daddy" and "LOOK DADDY HE GOT A BIG ONE!" I did find sanctuary.

Websters defines sanctuary as "a sacred or holy place". When I think of sacred places for me several images stir:

  • Mountain vacations in Colorado

  • Hotrod shows with Dad

  • Walking and laughing with Mom

  • Being anywhere with Kim

I found a new sanctuary today.

  • It's outdoors

  • It's quiet (I said it's quiet..not we're quiet)

  • It involves a pond of fish

  • It includes fishing poles and the required equipment (boats optional)

  • Good conversation (like, why is the sky blue today and why does chicken liver stink)

  • Hugs, laughs and smiles

  • A 4 year old son
It's interesting to me how Daddys and sons define things differently. You see, for Daddy relaxing means a cold drink, shady spot, quiet focus on the task and most of all time with family. For Corbin relaxing meant picking up dried horse poop with a pair of needle nose pliers.

Different paths...same goal. Mission accomplished.

Few things I learned and thought I'd share...

  • Fish, evidently come from fishsticks (at least according to Corbin)

  • Catfish won't eat Chicken Livers on a hot day...but a hungry dog will

  • A cold Sprite tastes good...and fizzes when you poor it on grass (thanks Corbin)

  • Dragonflies really are cool to look at

  • Speed fishing won't catch fish but it's probably the best way to frustrate them (and I admit it's kinda fun)

  • Horse poop is just the right size for needle nose pliers

I found myself thinking of Papo today...actually the last couple of days as we prepared for this little outing. I wondered if he got as excited as I did the night before a fishing trip. I wondered if I was able to share some of life's simplicities with him? I discovered why he woke up at 4am with his young grandson...and enjoyed it. I realized how easy it is to connect with someone when life's daily chaos is stripped away.

I found a new's one that moves. A state rather than a place. I look forward to creating the setting again soon.

Thank you Papo for sharing your sanctuary, your sacred place with me. It is a place and a state I hold sacred still and am honored to carry on with my child.

Thank you Corbin for joining me in that sacred place and showing me how to again marvel in the simple wonders.

Thank you son for taking the time to explore life your way.

Welcome to the Richardson Family Blog


This has been a long time coming and we've finally found the time to create this small home in cyberspace. We'll use this place to share things going on in our lives, funny things the kids said, journal thought and feelings and share photos. Remember to keep up with our growing photo album at the Richardson Photo Gallery.

As for a first goes:

It's be one heckuva week for us. Emily is sick (again)...another ear infection and on top of the normal week's activities, this is the week that Kevin's company performs physical inventory. (Yes, each year we actually count every single nut, bolt, screw, washer, o-ring and everything else we sell). It's been a long week. Today (Sunday) it's calm...everyone is home together, and the only thing to occupy us is time with each other. It's a nice change from the norm and I find it quite a break to just "be" with my children and see life through their eyes.

Quote of the day (thus far):
Corbin: Daddy I will take a nap for 1 hour today.
Daddy: OK Corbin
Corbin: Do you know why I'll only sleep for one hour?
Daddy: Why?
Corbin: Because I am only one hour tired.

Simple logic. I love it.

Here's to recharging for each hour we're tired.