Grandparents Day and Wiggles

We talked today with Corbin about what Grandparents do. His answers (as always) are the best. Here's the list:

  • They come see you
  • They take you places
  • The play with you

What more is there really. Simple, important things...that's it.
Thank you son for reminding me again of the simple things.
Thank you grandparents for supporting our family and loving our children as your own.
We were putting Corbin to bed tonight (a time consuming task as that's typically when 80% of the daily questions come out) and after telling him that he needed to go to bed he told Kim that he was having trouble falling asleep because he had "wiggles" in his head.
Ah the wiggles...those daily things and activities that leave us thinking about the day, tasks undone or to do tomorrow, and just life in general. Corbin asked how he could rid himself of the wiggles. Here's the remedy we came up with:

  • Take deep breaths
  • Think about happy things (Corbin chose trains)
  • Close your eyes

Make not work 100% of the time but seems to be working for Corbin tonight.
Thank you son for reminding me that a good day is one in which today's priorities were met and tomorrows can wait until tomorrow.